- Membership Access Level Basic SD3 / Premium SD3
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- File Size 28 KB
- Create Date May 18, 2023
This right here! This is why I love Ghost so much. They take a song from the prog-rock great Genesis and turn it into something amazing! The irony of choosing to cover this song is just perfect. Ghost is a satanic themed group and this is a fun punch in the gut for all the preacher lovers out there. Fuck yea! Once I heard this track, I knew I had to cover it. The kick pattern is awesome, the riffs are slayin', and the vocals are screamin! I pushed back my other scheduled drum covers to get this one out today for the release of Ghost's 5 cover song EP called Phantomime. I had A LOT of fun recording this one and I have not done a Ghost song in a while; so what perfect timing.
As of recent, I have been trying to limit the number of EZX & SDX libraries I use in each song. It's a nice challenge but sometimes, you just need to use one library for that one layered snare to get the sound you need; and that's what happened here. I was contemplating on removing the additional layered floor tom in this one since it's the only piece used from the Metal Machine EZX and the floor tom is not even feature on this song. But it's the way I designed the kit, so I left it. The snare on the other hand, I had to leave that in to keep the sound how I wanted it, so be sure you got the Rooms of Hansa SDX.
Required EZX / SDX ( Detailed View )
Drum Cover