Three Days Grace – Just Like You

Three Days Grace is one of my favorite bands and I am surprised I have never done a single drum cover of them. I mean, how could I not? They hold the record for the most #1 Billboard Mainstream Rock singles, might as well do it; maybe even more covers to come in the future!

As for the SD3 kit I used, I change the toms completely in this song and tweaked the snare quiet a bit. I really like the sound of this kit and it might become my new main favorite kit to use for general rock songs. We’ll see.

Thanks for checking it out!


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Drum Cover

Smashing Pumpkins – Zero

I just did a drum cover of the Smashing Pumpkins song Zero and I wanted a kit that sounded similar. Jimmy Chamberlin’s kit is not very unique but the snare drum is really where I put the focus. While the snare drum is not exact, my version has a little more ring to it, I thought it was close; at least for this song. I don’t know how it will hold up with the reset of the album… The snare drum is layered with the SD3 Core library and one from The Rock Warehouse library. The cymbals use a couple other SDX/EZX libraries but you can substitute those out if need be, the rest of the kit comes from the SD3 core library. Enjoy!.


Drums Only Sample


Drum Cover

Megadeth – Foreclosure of a Dream

Today’s cover is a classic Megadeth song, ‘Foreclosure of a Dream’ from the great album ‘Countdown to Extinction’. I am not a very good double bass player but something like this is doable; thanks for making an easy song for me to play Nick! Speaking of Nick, yea, one of my favorite drummers of all time. The power he uses behind the kit! Man that’s the way I like to play! When I heard of his passing I wanted to do a cover for him, but I was looking more for a RedGear band project and nothing ever panned out; so here we are with my tribute to him- almost 5 years later! ?

This cover would of been out sooner, but I was struggling to find a different sound for the drum kit within Superior Drummer 3. Eventually, I gave up and just tweaked my preset like I usually do.  Trying to mimic the classic Countdown to Extinction drumset is pretty difficult.


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Drum Cover

Downtown Fiction – I Just Wanna Run

Decided to cover the 1 hit wonder, The Downtown Fiction’s ‘I Just Wanna Run’. I’ve always wanted to cover this song, it’s simple, but it just rocks -in a weird tweeny kind of way. Maybe it’s the 16th note patterns on the hi-hats during the Chorus or just the solid playing by Eric Jones? I dunno, just deal with it.

Not too much going on with the kit for this one.  Just some different EQ on some things…


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Drum Cover

Sepultura – The Hunt

This song came up on my playlist while driving in the car so I decided to go back to the fall of 1993, when I was a junior in high school and my garage band would play a lot of the songs from this CD; very poorly I might add. ? So I dedicate this song to Joe, Jim, & Tom as well as all our other friends who hung out with us -Dave, Kris, Mark, Kevin, & Stas. Thanks for the memories boys.

Not a whole lot changed with this kit, except for an additional hi-rack tom used from the Metal Foundry SDX and a different ride than usual for that big beefy bell at the end of the song.


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Drum Cover