Another Well Respected Drummer Passes 😭

It’s been a week now since the passing of Foo Fighters’ drummer Taylor Hawkins at the young age of 50.  Like many people, I am still in shock that he is gone, especially after watching the mock-horror film from the band entitled Studio 666.  At first, I thought it was some kind of joke as Taylor’s death coincided with the release of Dream Widow (Dave Grohl’s solo death metal project from the movie) the day before.  But no, it’s just true utter sadness.  Taylor was an amazing drummer.  He was well respected among his professional peers and to us layman drummers, he was the drummer we wish we could be.  Talented. Gifted. Passionate. Beastly. Technical. Inspirational.  Just some of the adjectives I can use to describe him.  We’ll miss you forever Taylor. Hope the rest of the band and family close to Taylor all the best. 

I felt the need to upload my Superior Drummer 3 project file that I completed for Foo Fighters – Arlandria, so go check that one out!  Additionally, I added Ghost – Absolution to the downloads section…I’m kind of shocked I waited this long to publish that one.  My bad!  😬  Going back through these old project files is kind of funny.  Some of the mixes I did and kit piece selections I chose had me scratching my head; but I left them as they were to show the differences in my progress.

In other happenings, I have been contacted again to do another collab with some YouTubers which I have accepted and will start work on that at the end of the month, hopefully.  🤞  Another collaboration with Heavy In Hawaii is pretty close to be complete; just waiting on vocals from another YouTuber.  So there is no time table on when that will be released.  I have two drum covers already uploaded and scheduled to be released on April 14th and May 6th.  So be on the look out for those!  Progress on my own personal project is coming along.  I am very skeptical that I will get it done in the timeframe I set for myself but I think it will be worth the wait.

That’s all I got for now..looking forward to some better weather here in the midwest.

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