Collab with Cavemen from Finland & some other updates

Doing some work here on the website today.  Finally getting around to updating my SD3 Projects spreadsheet, which I don’t think I have ever displayed here on the actual website.  Basically it’s a detailed catalog of what Toontrack expansions I used for all my drum covers.   Why would you need this information?  You probably don’t but if you DO download one of my SD3 projects, you may need the expansion I used if you want it to sound the same.  You can check out that spreadsheet here.  I have this also linked on each download page entry for quick access as well.

On Satuday October 9th, I released a collaboration video with some boys from Findland called Cavemen At Work.  I was contacted by the bassist about the drum cover I did for the Ghost song Ritual wondering if they could use my drumming and video for a video they were putting together.  I agreed.  They ended up on using the MIDI information for their version of the song on their channel but they were gracious enough to send me their drumless audio so I can re-mix my actual drum audio back in.  You can check out my version of the collaboration video here.

I have another drum cover video in process now and looking to upload on or near Halloween.  It’s theme based…so you can only guess as to who it is I am covering.  🤣😂

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New drum cover released!

I released a new drum cover on August 11th and I wasn’t expecting too much traffic to it since it’s not a popular song from a non-popular band.  Man was I wrong!  While the views on the video are still rather low (for now), the comments I have gotten on it are all amazing.  It just goes to show how much people do support the work you put in on the channel.  Suprisingly, I recieved a comment from my dad, which tugged on my heart strings a little there; also the embaressment strings as well.  But I am not ashamed to know my parents have always supported me in my drumming adventure from a very young age.  Without them, I would not be playing at all!

I had a lot of fun (for the most part) doing this drum cover as I am a huge fan of Ra and I highly recommend everybody checking them out!  The recording process was frustrating at times because I messed up in the begining quite a bit -it always seem to happen that I mess up on easy shit as soon as the camera starts rolling.  From the very begining of planning this song out, I thought I would have to do this video in at least 2 takes because I am not a very good double bass player and the middle bridge features strictly that.  Nothing too hard, but for me, getting it clean would be key.  Suprisingly, I got in one take!  Well, minus the 7 other takes I did for the begining mess ups. 

Well, that’s all for today’s blog.  I am slowly uploading additional SD3 projects, so check the downloads section to see if anything is there that peaks your interest.  

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Looking for boring updates, I can blog about that!

Today I decided to utilize this website for some good and write about my random shit.  I started to slowly update the website with up to date content first starting with the About section and moving it over to a timeline of events.  I am no Hemmingway and suck at writing stories, so a history of events that happen might work out better.

I also decided to start uploading my completed Superior Drummer 3 projects that I use for my YouTube covers so that you guys can have them for your own pleasure…not like that.  SICKO.  Not sure when that section will go live but I got the page layouts completed.  Now I have to start uploading the content and providing all the details on each kit of which Superior Drummer EZX/SDX packs I use.

I’ve also been working on my next drum cover video and the practices are getting easier and easier with each pass.  I hope to get a video shot sometime this week.

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