Is This One of My Heaviest Drum Covers To Date?

I have a new drum cover scheduled to be released on Friday, January 28th at 6pm CST.  The video & Superior Drummer 3 project file will unlock here on the website at this time as well.  It just might be one of the heaviest songs I have covered to date, leave me a comment and let me know if you think this is true or not.  I had lots of fun recording this one; even if those odd placed kicks in the fast section were giving me a hard time for a couple days.  I may have to skip a month or two of releasing drum covers to get the BIG project done.  Work is always progressing on it but it’s much slower than I want it to be. 

Here on the website, I have been working in the Downloads section a lot.  I never really like the thumbnail pictures I had for the Toontrack EZX/SDX products.  They were all blurry and mis-aligned, so I took the time to create proper ones that are much sharper & cleaner.  This means I had to edit every single download with the new images. 

Additionally, I added two more Superior Drummer 3 Project files to the download list:  Quietdrive – Time After Time and Skillet – Monster.  I’m getting close to getting all of the projects uploaded, if you don’t see the one you are looking for, just ask.

Lastly, I have refreshed the main logo on the top of this page.  My good friend Steve made many of the graphics that was used for our Red Gear band project and I am trying to redo them to my taste.  I have no idea how to redo the animated logo I use at the start of my videos so I just might have to hire someone on Fivver to recreate it for me.  🤷‍♂️

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